The Great Escape: An Unforgettable Day with Charlie and Bill
A Grand Training Event that will forever transform your organization and how you do business. This 1 day event is designed for large group meetings, leadership conferences, and national sales meetings. We have brought together in a remarkable training collaboration, former Vietnam POW and acclaimed motivational speaker, Charlie Plumb, and world renowned consultant, author, and executive coach, Bill Jeffries. The day will immerse your organization in a series of exciting Action Learning Labs, all related to the POW experience, which will demonstrate and reinforce how having a clear and concise Vision and Crystal Clear Values enhance Effective Communication, Leadership, Creativity and Innovation, Dealing with Adversity, Developing Teams that Work, and Collaboration.
J. Charles Plumb, Capt. USN, ret. Class of 1964, USNA
Former POW turned Motivational Speaker and author. After flying F-4 Phantom Jets on 74 successful combat missions, Capt. Plumb was shot down just 5 days before he was due to return home and spent the next 2,103 days in communist prison cells. During his 6 years of captivity, he distinguished himself in fostering effective underground communications and serving for 2 of those years as the Chaplain in his camp.
William C. Jeffries, LTC, USA, ret. Class of 1968, USMA
Recipient of the Heartbeat of America Award presented by William Shatner and Admiral Kevin Delaney, USN, ret. for being one of the individuals most responsible for helping American business recover from the devastating effects of SEP 11th. A Vietnam veteran, as well, Bill has authored 11 books on Leadership, Diversity, and High Performance and leads an international consulting company specializing in team building, leadership, diversity, executive coaching, and creating organizational high performance.
Charlie and Bill have a combined 85 Years of impacting 1000’s of audiences from every industry, business, and government service around the world. For further information on the training options, contact: Charlie’s office at (818) 591-7007; or Bill’s office at (317) 946-4248; or by e-mail at