Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Assessment
Emotional Intelligence (EQ or EI) is now an accepted and well-established critical aspect of successful leadership and followership. Best of all, it has been validated to Assess, Predict, and enhance Performance. ESI, Inc. offers individual assessment, coaching, and team development using this exciting methodology.
Over the years we have learned that one’s cognitive intelligence is almost totally genetic, so regardless of how much we studied or tried to learn, our cognitive intelligence was mostly fixed. Indeed, college students do not score appreciably higher on IQ tests than they did in grade school, and throughout life IQ scores do not change. All IQ essentially measures is how well the existing gene pool was tapped to produce you.
What is the business implication? Hire the smartest employees you can, and the collective IQ of your organization remains static. Nothing you can do increases the basic level of cognitive intelligence over time. You may have some very smart people working for you, but as the market changes and your competition gets smarter because of new hires, yours does not.
When Howard Gardner developed his theory of multiple intelligences in the 1980’s, he set forth the argument that there are seven other forms of intelligence not impacted by cognitive intelligence, and he launched us on an exciting understanding of Linguistic, Spatial, Musical, Bodily Kinesthetic, Logical-Mathematical, Interpersonal, and Intrapersonal intelligences.
Now we know there is yet another form of intelligence critical to how one leads, manages, relates to customers and suppliers, and works with co-workers, known as Emotional Intelligence. Most importantly, while IQ remains static, EI, or what is occasionally known as EQ, can be developed and improved over time. Just think about the benefits to your organization of developing an Emotionally Intelligent team. Think of the increased value you can bring to your organization by developing your personal EQ. We use only the EQi2.0, considered the most valid and reliable assessment to measure EQ.