More on Organizational Change
ESI uses cutting edge change leadership strategies and tactics developed by Bill Jeffries, Peter Senge, Cheryl Crawford, and John Kotter.
Oftentimes our process begins with an organizational survey that measures the current state of the organization. Baseline data is important in measuring effective changes. We can’t understand what we are changing to until we understand what we are changing from. Many organizations today find they are in permanent white water.
We present organizations with “Ten Characteristics of Organizations Undergoing Transition” to help them understand the very real symptoms of change.
Next we suggest Nine Things that Organizations Undergoing Transition Need.”
For employees who are facing an uncertain future as the changes swirl around them, we suggest “12 Changes Employees Need to Make in How They View Their Jobs.”
We work with organizations through Present, Transitional, and Future-State implications of change by:
- Understanding the marketplace and possible future-state scenarios,
- Defining the Change Challenges and Problems,
- Mapping present and future state processes to determine opportunities,
- Planning the Total Change Effort,
- Getting the Changes started,
- Managing transition and Stability simultaneously,
- Institutionalizing the Changes (evaluations, structures, and rewards), and
- Developing the appropriate Metrics to Measure the Results.