More on Leader Coaching

Effective leaders realize that very few people actually tell them the truth, and, to be honest, they can’t tell the truth to many people, either. They can’t admit to their organization or to their peers that they know they really don’t have the necessary skills. They have a hard time admitting weaknesses to others. Many senior leaders think that they have to be “perfect” in the eyes of the organization and always have the right answer. It is an unrealistic expectation but a real one nonetheless.

The executive coach is one person who can be totally honest with the person being coached, and the executive can be candid with the coach, because the coach will not use the knowledge against them. Because the coach is there to help, it is a relationship that can breed tremendous success.

We work with leaders from middle management to senior boards and CEO’s on presentation style, meeting management skills, ways of dealing with analysts, business strategy, personal growth and development, people skills, and developing organizational Visions.

Personal coaching can be done at your place or ours. For in-depth assessment and personal growth work we can meet at a hotel, a resort, a remote conference center, or your office. After initial meetings we can pursue the coaching on an ad hoc basis telephonically or in an on-line virtual conference room.

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